We are a leading provider of nursing care for elderly people with dementia, complex dementia, stroke, progressive neurological illnesses and enduring mental health needs. We provide bespoke enablement care for people with a variety of shorter term needs as well as long term nursing care.
Enablement Nursing Care
At Lakeview Care Home, we have the expertise and trained staff available to provide enablement health beds to people needing short term support. These transitional placements in to the caring and secure environment of a specialist care facility have proved to be very successful with our NHS partners and warmly received by our short stay residents.
Working in partnership with local Trusts, we provide a number of enablement health beds for elderly residents across a number of scenarios, including:
- Elderly people who are ready for discharge but are awaiting a full social services package to be put in place before going
- Elderly people who are on the road to full recovery but need some additional physiotherapy and/or occupational therapy support on a short-term basis to rebuild confidence and skills before going home
- Elderly people who require a long-term placement who can be cared for in an enablement health bed, rather than block a badly needed NHS bed, while their permanent placement is being finalised
Nursing Dementia Care
Our service includes providing nursing care for people with complex dementias, those who have had strokes or are dealing with progressive neurological illnesses and also palliative care for residents who are reaching the end of their life.
By providing our nursing service from within the Lakeview Care Home complex, we are able to provide a clear pathway to/from our specialist complex dementia or residential, respite and enablement services. Residents can step up/step down as required rather than having to transfer to an alternative health or care setting. This enables us to maintain a level of continuity of care which is much appreciated by our residents as well as by their families and carers.
For more information about Enablement Nursing Care or Nursing Dementia Care, or to make a referral or visit our services, please call us on 01922 409898 or email us at to discuss your requirements.

Chief Operating Officer
Caroline Wood
"Our nursing and care teams provide expert care to our residents who have complex health needs, who are experiencing a sudden illness or who come to us after a period in hospital before returning home.”